A1 English Listening Practice Passage “Language learning”


As I speak, you can practice your listening and comprehension skills by reading this passage. Are you set? Therefore, I’ll talk about learning a language today.
Since you’re probably just starting to learn English, I hope you find this article interesting. Language learning is troublesome, and it requires a lot of study time.
Time is the most crucial factor in language acquisition. If you don’t study for a significant amount of time, you won’t learn English. Learning a language takes time.
I teach languages and study languages. I enjoy communicating with people from other countries and learning new languages. This is the most amazing aspect of learning another dialect. You can meet new friends and talk to a lot of people. I talk with individuals from various nations.
This is one of the most pleasant parts of language learning. Learning a new language, however, is not easy. I get miserable or disappointed when I don’t grasp somebody.
I additionally get apprehensive when I address individuals in different dialects. However, that’s ok. When learning a new language, it’s normal to feel sad, frustrated, or nervous. This is expected.
I sometimes make big mistakes when I speak another language. I commit errors in punctuation, jargon, and articulation. In any case, this is ordinary. Everybody commits errors while communicating in another dialect. In the event that you don’t commit errors, you will not improve. Committing errors is vital for development and development. It would be ideal for you to talk. You should work on it. You ought to relax. Try not to stress over your slip-ups. Enjoy learning English. When you don’t have fun, learning English is harder.
Along these lines, here are a few ways to mess around with English. Priority one: peruse books in English that interest you. Avoid books that bore you. Find books that you like.
For instance, if you enjoy sports, read English-language books about sports. Assuming you appreciate creatures, read English-language creature books. Likewise, on the off chance that you appreciate innovation, read innovation related books in English. I appreciate fiction, so I read books in various dialects. I’m able to learn and have fun at the same time thanks to this.
The second tip: watch recordings in English that are fascinating to you. Watch fashion videos on YouTube in English if you like clothes and fashion.
Watch English-language videos about cars on YouTube if you like them. Reading and watching content that interests you is essential.
Okay, the third suggestion: cause companions who to communicate in English along with the people who are learning it. I comprehend that making new companions is troublesome, yet it will help you learn and rehearse your English.
Find a city-based English practice group. On Meetup.com, you can look for an English practice group. On the off chance that you can rehearse your English with companions, it will be very useful.

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